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Securing Your Account

Add Advanced Security to your account for a more secure and private experience.

CashCloud Team avatar
Written by CashCloud Team
Updated over 7 months ago

Securing Your Account

CashCloud gives users the option to add Advanced Security to any account. This allows for a more secure and private experience.

Note: If you choose to enable Advanced Security, CashCloud will enable it for all company user accounts.

To update Advanced Security, select Settings from the left sidebar. Under the Company subgroup, select Advanced Security.

Enabling Two Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of security that requires all users on your company plan to verify their identity through two forms of identification when they log in. These could include their primary email and phone number.

To enable Two-Factor Authentication for CashCloud, toggle the Enable slider under Two-Factor Authentication so that it appears purple.

Then, you can select how long devices are remembered by the CashCloud system before being prompted for re-authorization. Simply click the dropdown menu and select your desired time frame from the available options.

A user will only have to complete Two-Factor Authentication once within the selected time frame (e.g., every 30 days). If you would prefer Two-Factor Authentication to be required every time users log in, select Never from the dropdown menu.

Enabling Idle Time

Idle Time allows you to remotely log a user out of their session after a set period of inactivity.

To enable Idle Time for CashCloud, toggle the Enable slider under Idle Time so that it appears purple.

Then, you can select how long screens are allowed to be idle before a session expires. Simply click the dropdown menu and select your desired time from the available options.

After editing your preferences, click the Save Changes button to update security for all company user accounts.

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